How to extend the life of your major home appliances

Key tips to remember
- Clean out your fridge and freezer
- Place dishes in the dishwasher racks carefully
- Don’t overload the washing machine
- Monitor your dryer’s external vent cap
- Regularly sanitize your microwave
- Clean or replace your vacuum filter
Just like you take proper care of your body to ensure your overall health, your appliances also deserve routine maintenance. By showing your major machines attention, they’ll use less energy, require fewer repairs and last as long as they’re advertised to, according to The Huffington Post. In the long run, it’ll save you time, money and headaches.
Here are few ways you can extend the life of your home appliances:
Clean out your fridge and freezer – Average appliance life: 13 years
To save space and energy, clean out your refrigerator at the end of every week. Every other week, consider taking out all of its contents and sanitizing the capsule. Besides regularly wiping the appliance down, clean the condenser coils with a special brush every so often to avoid grime buildup.
Place dishes in the dishwasher racks carefully – Average appliance life: 9 years
Typically, dishwasher racks are very pricey to replace. They’re coated with expensive vinyl material that can be damaged easily by a rough encounter. So be careful when loading the dishwasher, and try your best to keep racks clean — built-up dirt on the racks will only keep the machine from cleaning your dishes as well as they’re supposed to.
Carefully place your dishes into the racks of your dishwasher.
Don’t overload the washing machine – Average appliance life: 10 years
Your clothes need enough space to move around during a wash cycle. If you pack the machine too full, you put additional strain on the washer’s motor, transmission and belt, ultimately damaging the appliance as a whole. If you load your washing machine and notice you have to force the clothing in to close the lid, condense the items into two separate piles.
Monitor your dryer’s external vent cap – Average appliance life: 13 years
Making sure you don’t overload the dryer is crucial too, but there’s more maintenance this machine needs. Venture outside your home to the location of the dryer’s external vent cap and remove the dust and lint buildup. Too much debris in the cap can reduce the airflow, which makes your dryer work harder than it needs to, and it can be a potential fire hazard.
Regularly sanitize your microwave – Average appliance life: 9 years
By simply keeping your microwave clean, you can extend its lifespan, according to what engineer Robert McKechnie told Women’s Day magazine.
“Food spills and particles can stick to the interior, which may cause the microwave to work less efficiently,” he said.
“Sanitize your microwave with a damp cloth.”
Using a damp cloth, wipe down the interior and exterior of the machine. If you have an over-the-range microwave, pay close attention to the underside as it’s likely caked with grease.
Clean or replace your vacuum filter – Average appliance life: varies between 5-25 years
Depending on the model and make of your vacuum cleaner, changing the vacuum bags or cleaning the filter can extend its life. Jackie Cooper, senior director of marketing and communications at Eureka, told Women’s Day that maintaining your vacuum cleaner will also maximize its overall efficiency.
“When airflow is restricted by a full bag or clogged filter, performance suffers and less dirt is captured,” she said.
Give your vacuum cleaner the attention it deserves and empty the filter after every use.
Properly maintaining these household appliances will help them last as long as they’re supposed to. But even if you take good care of your machines, breakdowns still happen. In which case, a Cinch home protection plan can keep you covered. Our appliance plan helps cover the cost of repairs or a full replacement in the event of an issue.
The information in this article is intended to provide guidance on the proper maintenance and care of systems and appliances in the home. Not all of the topics mentioned are covered by our home warranty or maintenance plans. Please review your home warranty contract carefully to understand your coverage.